Grand Blanc Man Uses Hilarious Sales Pitch to Sell Hooters Sign
Some posts on Facebook can change your day for the better in an instant.
The dark wasteland of Facebook can easily suck the joy out of life if you let it. From political arguments to drama among your friends, it's tough to keep scrolling most days. However, sometimes you come across a post that can make you laugh and change your day for the better and this is one of them.

Within a Grand Blanc, Michigan community Facebook page, a man recently posted an ad for his friend to sell a particular item. At first, your eyes are drawn to the item itself. After that, you are drawn in by one of the funniest sales pitches you have seen in a long time. This man is the bro of bros for writing this.
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The post itself contains three pictures. Two of the pictures are of the Hooters sign that is being sold and the third picture is of the cat referenced in the sales pitch. The Hooters sign seems to be in great condition and can be yours for only $3,000. What would you do with this sign? Well, the sales ad gives suggestions for that as well.
The post reads as follows:
Yeah. I know. * eyeroll *
Selling for a pal who wishes to remain anonymous becuase his gf is a Yoko Ono succubus who enjoys Vaseline on toast and puts a wet blanket on anything that brings him happiness to himself and his adoring bush latte drinking pals.It's either her or the sign and he misplaced his ball bag, so... his balllessness is your new sign of goodness.At the very firm / supple price of $3,000" CaN yOu Do AnY bEtTeR iN pRiCe?!"No. He needs that money for therapy, beef jerky, lorazepam and cat food for Jennifer Burger" YoU dEliVer? "No. You got friends, dontcha?Perfect for...Your rooftopAnnoying your neighbors who shop at Whole Foods, don't think farts are funny and sport a hybrid car.
This is really for sale.Message me before his gf does.
To see the actual post on Facebook, click here.