Adam & Eve Adult Novelty Store Will Open In Lapeer
The votes are in - Adam & Eve will be opening in Lapeer, Michigan.

Feelings have been mixed about the adult novelty store opening in Lapeer, however, last night at the Lapeer Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, variances for Adam & Eve passed 5 to 2 and 4 to 2.
Angela Bollman is the woman behind the store, and she has made it very clear that Adam & Eve locations do not sell books, magazines, films, or videos. What customers will find is lingerie, club wear, men's wear, shoes, accessory items, and adult novelty items. Persons 18 years of age and up will be able to shop at Adam & Eve in Lapeer. If a store associate questions a customer's age, he or she will be asked for proper identification.
Adam & Eve will be located at 807 and 809 East Street in Lapeer. There has been no official opening date announced as of now, but I will certainly keep you posted.
As you will see below, comments about the approval on the Lapeer News & Discussion Facebook page were supportive and comical for the most part. The first commenter says it perfectly - if you don't want to go into the Adam & Eve store, don't. If you want to go inside the store, then go inside.