STUMPED! ‘Jeopardy’ Contestants Don’t Know Michigan
It takes a pretty smart person to succeed on the TV game show "Jeopardy" - or at least someone who's got a mind like a steel trap when it comes to trivia.

Common and Not-So-Common "Jeopardy" Clues
According to the website jstudyguide.com (which bills itself as "an unofficial study guide for Jeopardy contestant hopefuls"), trending categories over the past several years include pop culture, literature, American history, science, world geography and potpourri, just to name a few.
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Many of the categories on "Jeopardy" are fairly broad in nature, but there seems to be at least one run of clues within each episode that requires very specific knowledge - sometimes relatively obscure bits of trivia about one particular state in the United States, for example.
Michigan Questions on "Jeopardy"
The state of Michigan pops up on "Jeopardy" every now and again, and most of the time at least one the three contestants can come up with the right question in response to the answer displayed.
Since 2020, clues about Michigan have stymied all three of an episode's contestants nearly 20 times, according to j-archive.com. Many of the troublesome clues involve one of the Great Lakes or the area around Mackinac Island. On one particular episode in early 2020, an entire category titled "It's a Hand! It's Michigan!" stumped every contestant on the show! And then there's the one that caused every Michigan Wolverine fan to face-palm at the same time.
How well would you have performed given these clues?
Questions About Michigan That Totally Stumped 'Jeopardy' Contestants
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