9 Really Stupid Laws That Still Survive In Michigan
There are hundreds of laws in Michigan. Most of the laws keep Michigan moving forward and keeping residents safe. What about the stupid laws that still exist in Michigan? Here are 9 stupid laws in Michigan that still exist.
I'm not sure about you but I'm bummed that I can't tie my alligator to a fire hydrant in Detroit. You can't either. It's illegal to do so, that's a law in Michigan that still exists. Why does the government have to take the fun out of everything?
9 Stupid Laws That Still Exist In Michigan
Unless they are married, couples may not reside together.
It is against the law to paint a sparrow with red paint with the intention of selling them as parakeets.
Being drunk on a train in Michigan is illegal.
It is against the law to purposely destroy a vintage radio in Detroit.
In Detroit, it is against the law to scowl at a woman.
It’s illegal to sing to your sweetheart in Kalamazoo.
If a robber is hurt on your property, he or she can file a claim.
It is prohibited to smoke in bed in the city of Soo.
By 1:00 a.m., all putt-putt golf courses must be closed in Detroit.
You've been warned. The next time you're sitting in Kalamazoo and want to get romantic or Rico Suave by singing your feelings and showing off, you might get arrested.