Have you ever wondered how Amish families in Michigan endure frosty winters without electric blankets, central heating, or Netflix? My curiosity got the best of me, and according to interviews conducted by Amish America, Amish not only survive the Mitten States' frigid conditions, but they thrive—and leave the rest of us looking pretty soft.

While Michigan dads stand guard at the thermostats, the Amish fire up their trusty, ever-reliable wood-burning stoves. Instead of forking out cash to Consumers, they spend their time chopping and stacking firewood for Michigan's long winter. They call it preparation. We swing axes in health clubs and hit tires.

Chores in the Cold: A Winter Workout for Michigan's Amish

An Amish home is seen with a red arrow pointing to the chimney smoke and a picture of a wood-burning stove overlaid.

When it's laundry day in Amish country, think less "spin cycle" and more "icicle." You know the wonderful feeling you get from putting on a pair of fresh socks right out of the dryer? Imagine the exact opposite of that, and you're on the right track.

While we complain about cold hands when we forget gloves to clear our windshields as our cars warm up, the Amish are feeding livestock while in full blasting position of Michigan's brutal winds. There are no tractors, just draft horses and frozen fingers.

Amish School and Worship: No Snow Days

A clothesline is seen with clothes pins frozen on the line.

Unlike our fancy schools with central heating, computers, and blinds, Amish kids in Michigan don't get snow days. They trudge through ice and snow (pretty sure it might be uphill both ways) to one-room schoolhouses warmed by wood-burning stoves. And Sundays? Church isn't canceled for anything short of the apocalypse.

RELATED: An Amish Christmas in Michigan: A Pure Celebration

And while they can't light a fire in a horse-drawn buggy, they have thick blankets. Some of the fancier Amish may also have a propane heater. Plus, their rides navigate Michigan's winter roads better than most SUVs.

Fun Amish Style: Ice Skating and Board Games

An Amish horse and buggy is seen on a snow covered road with an image of a pile of blankets over the carriage.

Surprisingly, winters aren't spent huddled around a fireplace. Quiet the opposite. Amish kids enjoy sledding and skating on frozen ponds while families gather for game nights. Sound familiar (life before the internet)?

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The Amish get through Michigan winters like we all do here: with resilience, teamwork, and a bit of old-school grit—only we do it while complaining about Wi-fi speeds. Honestly, who's living better?

11 Rituals the Amish Practice in Michigan

Amish rituals are long-standing behaviors that are a vital part of their belief systems. Here are 11 rituals your Amish neighbors in Michigan practice. Please keep in mind that different Amish communities may have different traditions and rituals, as their leaders may be more or less strict in their adherence to their Ordnung.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

5 Do’s and 5 Don’ts For Exploring Michigan Amish Country

Curious about how the Amish live in Michigan and want to explore some of our state's backroad culture? Here are some tips to avoid making any 'English' mistakes.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

13 Rules Michigan Amish Must Follow

Why do Amish women wear 'prayer coverings'? Why do Amish men grow out their beards but not their mustaches? Here are 13 Rules Michigan Amish Must Follow

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

Inside An Amish Michigan Farmhouse

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