Cyberbullying Hits Kids Hardest in These 9 Michigan Cities
Here's a statistic that may or may not surprise you: 1 in 5 American kids faces bullying each year. I know what you're thinking, "I had a bully growing up," yeah, but not one who had access to your life 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Not a bully whose torture could live on after school and be liked by the masses. Cyberbullying has become a serious issue, especially for Michigan teens.
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It's not just nasty comments--in some cases, it can ruin your child's sleep patterns and self-esteem and, in some extreme circumstances, result in suicide and be used as a motive in mass shootings. Thanks to research conducted by MattressNextDay, we now know which cities in Michigan are most heavily impacted by cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying: Michigan's New Nightmare for Teens
What's really mind-blowing is how many Michigan cities are hotbeds for cyberbullies. Where you thought our state's most significant problems were potholes and brutal winters--our state ranks 13th in the country for instances of cyberbullying. It's not exactly the kind of ranking we want.
Psychological experts have gone as far as to call cyberbullying a public "health crisis," and it's not hard to see why. On top of losing sleep, which teens desperately need, it also can lead to heightened anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.
These 9 Michigan Cities Are Cyberbullying Hotbeds
As a parent, I can tell you firsthand that the effects of cyberbullying are far-reaching and last well beyond high school. If you live in one of Michigan's hotbeds for cyberbullying, be sure to check in with your child, see how they're feeling, and make SURE they aren't the ones doing the bullying.
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To learn more about spotting the signs of cyberbullying or to report it, visit StopBullying.gov or click here.
Michigan's Cyberbullying Hotbeds: 9 Cities With a Troubled Teens
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