Amish women in Michigan are a mystery wrapped in modesty and tightly laced with deep religious beliefs. Their lives, governed by centuries-old traditions, might make the rest of us "English" (their term for outsiders) wonder if we're doing life completely wrong—or just differently. Spoiler alert: it's the latter.

Let's clear something up right away: the Amish aren't one-size-fits-all. Elizabethtown College studies show each community has its own playbook. In some Michigan sects), riding in a car might be okay, while in others, even looking at a vehicle with envy could get you side-eyed by the rest of the community.

How Amish Communities Set Rules

Clothes with lace hang on a rack with the picture of an Amish woman very plainly dressed overlaid.
Annie Spratt on Unsplash / Canva

Amish sect rules don't come from a central Amish government (because, surprise, that doesn't exist). Instead, community leaders—mostly men—call the shots, and they feel the Bible backs up their beliefs.

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According to, for Amish women, the rules aren't just suggestions; they're a way of life. Forget vanity, which is practically a four-letter word in their culture. Hair, makeup, trendy clothes? Nope, nope, and absolutely not. These women were raised to embrace simplicity, humility, and a level of patience most of us only aspire to when our Wi-Fi goes out.

An Amish woman looks away from the camera at a sect gathering with a book overlaid on the image titled RULE BOOK
Kia Sari on Unsplash / Canva

Oh, and that little wild-child phase known as rumspringa? It's not nearly as rebellious as reality TV makes it seem. Yes, some Amish teens get a taste of the "English" world, but most end up choosing the comfort of their family, faith, and well...rules.

RELATED: An Amish Christmas in Michigan: A Pure Celebration

While the following 11 rules may seem outlandish to us, they are a way of life for Michigan's Amish communities.

11 Rules Most Amish Women in Michigan Must Follow

The life of an Amish woman in Michigan is much different than that of the "English" (how Amish refer to those outside their religion) and may vary from sect to sect. Here's a look at 11 Rules Amish Women in Michigan Must Follow.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

5 Do’s and 5 Don’ts For Exploring Michigan Amish Country

Curious about how the Amish live in Michigan and want to explore some of our state's backroad culture? Here are some tips to avoid making any 'English' mistakes.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

11 Rituals the Amish Practice in Michigan

Amish rituals are long-standing behaviors that are a vital part of their belief systems. Here are 11 rituals your Amish neighbors in Michigan practice. Please keep in mind that different Amish communities may have different traditions and rituals, as their leaders may be more or less strict in their adherence to their Ordnung.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

13 Rules Michigan Amish Must Follow

Why do Amish women wear 'prayer coverings'? Why do Amish men grow out their beards but not their mustaches? Here are 13 Rules Michigan Amish Must Follow

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

Inside An Amish Michigan Farmhouse

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