Buddy The Elf Themed Bar in Fort Wayne, Indiana
A bar in downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the movie Elf for all of you cotton-headed ninny muggins. How could this movie be twenty years old already?
If celebrating the Holidays at a rooftop bar in Indiana is your favorite, we have good news. Connor's Rooftop Bar in Fort Wayne, Indiana knows that there is room for everyone on the nice list. That's why, if you're over 21, you can enjoy the Holiday spirit with spirits at this Buddy the Elf-themed bar according to ABC 21's interview with bar manager Troy Veglatte,
Buddy-approved drink, “the World’s Best Cup of Coffee”, is on the special menu featuring syrup, sugar, Jameson’s Irish Whiskey, whipped cream, a powdered candy cane rim, and a dusting of crushed candy canes with a candy corn garnish. Other items on the menu are nods to Buddy’s favorites, like a dessert inspired by his spaghetti/syrup concoction.

Buddy the Elf-themed Pop-up Bar
- Location: Connor's Rooftop Bar - 223 West Jefferson Blvd. Suite 750
- Time: Now through December 30th
- Age Requirement: 21 years of age or older
- Mood Requirement: Christmas Spirit
If you say that Elf isn't the best Christmas movie of our generation, I would say that "you sit on a throne of lies." So, make smiling your favorite and enjoy this behind-the-scenes video from the movie Elf.
I haven't visited this Elf pop-up bar yet. Can anyone tell me if the toilets are ginormous?
The Elf on the Shelf
Gallery Credit: Mojo
Take a Look Inside Santa's North Pole Home Complete with Tiny Elf Homes
Gallery Credit: Zillow