Poison hemlock might look pretty but is actually a highly toxic plant.

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Poison hemlock can grow up to 10 feet tall with small white flowers clustered in umbrella-shaped patterns

Posion hemlock
Credit: Canva

The stem is hollow with purple splotches, and the leaves resemble parsley.

Posion hemlock
Credit: Canva

All parts of the poison hemlock plant are poisonous to humans and animals due to the presence of toxic alkaloids like coniine.

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Posion hemlock
Credit: Canva

Ingesting even small amounts can be fatal as it affects the nervous system and causes respiratory failure.

What Are Symptoms of Poison hemlock Poisoning?

Symptoms of poisoning appear within 30 minutes to 3 hours and include the following:

  • Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
  • Excessive salivation, dilated pupils
  • Tremors, muscle paralysis
  • Rapid then slowed heartbeat
  • Respiratory depression, seizures, coma

In severe cases, it can lead to kidney failure and death.

How To Safely Get Rid of Poison Hemlock

To prevent poisoning, it's crucial to remove poison hemlock plants from your property. Here are some tips:

  • Dig out small patches, ensuring the entire root is removed to prevent regrowth.
  • Use herbicides in late fall or early spring before flowering.
  • Never burn, cut or mow the plants as it can release toxic fumes and cause the seeds to spread.
  • Wear protective gear like gloves, long sleeves, and masks when handling the plants.
  • Bag the uprooted plants in plastic and discard them.

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It's important you know what poison hemlock looks like and take caution when removing it from your place to prevent accidental poisoning to you or a pet.

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If you see any of these animals... best to just walk away.

Gallery Credit: Wikipedia