A handful of Michigan driving laws that are legal or illegal may have you scratching your head and some of these you may be breaking every day.

You Have to Have Driving Laws


Could you imagine if there were no driving laws? It would be insane if there were no speed limits, or it was legal to drink and drive, or even hit another driver who may have made you mad.

👇BELOW: Things Other Drivers Hate Michigan Drivers For👇


Without driving laws in Michigan, our roads would be a mess and many more lives would be lost. Just because there are driving laws doesn't mean they all make much sense.

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Sketchy Michigan Driving Laws


Speed limits, traffic lights, traffic signs, and many driving laws are necessary to keep Michigan drivers safe but there are a few laws that seem a little sketchy whether they are legal or illegal.


This law is specific to Detroit but singing while driving is illegal. The law is to prevent drivers from being distracted but it is a law that is broken hundreds if not thousands of times per day.


Drivers can't use the left lane for general travel it is to be used as a passing lane. This makes sense but how often are people driving up north or coming back camping out in the left lane? What I found weird about this is there is a name for those who drive too slow in the left lane called "left lane squatters."


You can get a ticket for driving too slow in Michigan. Sometimes it is necessary for vehicles hauling heavy loads to drive slower for safety reasons. I have seen heavy equipment being hauled with runner vehicles and they don't get a ticket but if you are impeding normal traffic flow it could cost you.

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Helten Staff/Getty Images

There is not a law that prohibits men or women from driving shirtless in Michigan but other laws could get you in trouble for it. Driving without a shirt could be seen as indecent exposure and still land you a ticket.


Another driving law specific to Detroit states that couples are banned from making love in an automobile unless the vehicle is parked on the couple's property. What if the car was parked in a private driveway in a neighborhood with kids playing nearby?

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Ronald Dumont/Getty Images

It's not illegal to drive without shoes on and I have done it on long hot trips to cool off my feet. I'm surprised there are no laws against driving with flip-flops because they could get tangled in the pedals.

Things Other Drivers Hate Michigan Drivers For

Ever wonder why you get dirty looks from people on the road who AREN'T from Michigan? It might be because of some of these driving habits we have.

Gallery Credit: Canva

Top 5 Most Common Car Issues Michigan Drivers Face

The personal injury specialists at Jones & Swanson conducted research by using Google search data from the last 12 months in Michigan to determine which car issues where the most often searched. Using this data, they were able to determine the 5 Most Common Car Issues Michigan Drivers Face.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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