I have heard of inmates making booze in prison but wondered if it is legal or illegal to distill alcohol in a Michigan home so let's find out together.

Distilling Alcohol


Distilling alcohol and brewing beer has come a long way since the days of bootleggers.

👇BELOW: Check Out Niles, Michigan's, Iron Shoe Distillery👇


Distilleries are no longer Kentucky and Tennessee things. Distilleries and breweries are all over Michigan and other states, with many showing off their equipment and processes through glass windows. Some even offer tours to customers if they want to take a deeper tour rather than peering through a glass window.

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Is It Legal or Illegal to Distill Alcohol in a Michigan Home?


It turns out that it is legal to distill alcohol in Michigan but as anything else there are restrictions.


Like anything else fun, Michigan has to get money from you to do anything cool. The Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) issues "Small Distller's Licenses" for those producing less than 60,000 gallons of spirits per year.


Michigan residents can make wine, beer, and cider for personal use but can't produce spirits for sale without a license. To produce spirits for private use you must apply for a "Michigan Small Distiller" certificate and use at least 40% of Michigan-grown grain in your base distillate. Sounds like a fair trade to make booze at home.


It's not only legal in Michigan to distill alcohol but you can in Alaska, Arizona, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, and Rhode Island. There are no laws either way in Iowa so it's a free for all there. If you want to move to another state and distill alcohol it's only legal in the states mentioned and illegal everywhere else. Cheers.

Information used in this article came from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Liquor Contro Commission.

Nile's Iron Shoe Distillery: Two Horse Saloon

A mobile multi-functional cocktail bar named The Two Horse Saloon that's run by the Iron Shoe Distillery in Niles, Michigan

Quench Your Thirst With The 20 Most Instagrammed Michigan Breweries

Michigan is known as the 'Great Beer State' and with nearly 500 breweries, we are living up to the title. We searched hashtags on Instagram to find the most tagged Michigan breweries. Check out the 20 most Instagrammed breweries in the Great Beer State below.

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