Every Family Had These Iconic Christmas Decorations—Remember Them?
Christmas decorations sparkle, jingle-jangle-jingle, glitter (why so much glitter?), and turn our homes into festive wonderlands.
Unpacking Special Memories
Unpacking a box of treasures from the basement or attic was like unwrapping gifts on Christmas morning. Each one had its own story, whether it was a lovingly squished plastic deer or a balding garland that had definitely seen better days.
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From bubble lights that seemed like a fire hazard (water and electricity on a tree—what could go wrong?) to countless strands of tinsel ingested by the family cat (and, well, also exiting the cat), these decorations are an important part of our own Christmas memories.
Treasured Hand-Me-Downs
Christmas decor has a unique way of bringing generations together. Some pieces were passed down from grandparents, aunts, or uncles— and evidently they were treasures from a time when "safety" wasn’t exactly a top priority.
...tinsel is better known for getting absolutely everywhere—and inevitably ending up ingested by, you guessed it, the cat.
These things became souvenirs of the holiday season, always there to tell you that the holiday season had officially arrived… until, one year, they weren’t. And that’s how nostalgia can get you right in the heart.
So, let’s take a look back at some of the most popular Christmas decorations from decades past. Who knows? You might just find an old favorite that brings back memories of holidays past.
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Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz
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Gallery Credit: Jennnifer Billock