Grand Blanc Schools to Implement “No Cellphone” Policy for Upcoming School Year
Grand Blanc Schools aren't messing around this year when it comes to cellphones and electronic devices in the classroom.
For the upcoming 2022/2023 school year, Grand Blanc Schools will implement a "NO cellphone policy" in all classrooms.
According to an email sent to parents on Thursday night, cellphones, headphones, and smartwatches will not be allowed during class time.
This isn't something that will be based off a teacher's discretion either. No student will be allowed to have their devices out in any classroom. All devices must be on silent mode and put away for the entirety of the class period. These devices have to be placed in the student's bag or somewhere else. They can't keep the devices in their pockets or anywhere else on their bodies.

Grand Blanc Schools:
While we recognize this will be a tremendous adjustment for our students, we believe that the growth in academic focus and positive behavior will be the beneficial outcome as research shows it can take the brain up to ten minutes to re-engage after responding to a cell phone distraction.
What Happens if a Student Get Caught With Their Electronic Devices?
- 1st Offense -If phones/earbuds/smartwatch/device (or other electronic devices as identified in the student handbook) is seen/heard by any supervising adult during class time, the device will be confiscated. The item will be sent to the office for student pick up at the end of the day. Teacher contact will be made with the student's guardian. Detention will be assigned by administration.
- 2nd Offense - If phones/earbuds/smartwatch/device is seen/heard by any supervising adult during class time, the device will be confiscated. The item will be sent to the office for guardian pick up at the end of the day.1-Day ISS will be assigned by administration.
- 3rd Offense - If phones/earbuds/smartwatch/device is seen/heard by any supervising adult during class time, the device will be confiscated. The item will be sent to the office for Guardian pick up at the end of the day. 1-Day OSS will be assigned by administration.
Personally, I feel this is long overdue. I don't feel my kid needs to be on his phone while in the classroom. It's nothing more than a distraction. It's not like he'll be without a phone, he can literally keep it in his backpack while in class.
While my kid's not happy about the new policy, I sure am.