This Day in History — Gary Coleman Found Guilty of Assault
It never seems to work out too well for child stars, and Coleman's life is no exception.
On this day in 1999, the star of 'Diff'rent Strokes' was found guilty of assault charges against Tracy Fields, a LA bus driver who attempted to get Coleman's autograph at the mall while he was...shopping for a bullet-proof vest, for some reason. Fields began to poke fun at his career after he refused, and she received several punches in the face as a reward. He was arrested, and initially claimed self defense.
On February 4th he pleaded 'no contest' to 1 count of assault and received a suspended jail sentence, a fine, 52 mandatory anger management classes, and an order to pay Fields' medical bills.
Coleman was born with an autoimmune kidney disease which affected his growth -- as an adult, he only reached a height of 4'7" and had a childlike face well into his adult life. Coleman received daily dialysis treatments until his death in 2010, at the age of 42.
We feel for the guy -- He shouldn't go around punch ladies, sure, but his life was not an easy one, that's for sure. We hope he's reincarnated as a big, heathy giant. We're getting all mushy about Gary Coleman, is that weird?
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