Flint Icon ‘MamaSol’ Battling Breast Cancer, and Needs Our Help
MamaSol has helped so many people but now she is in need of our help while she battles breast cancer for a second time.
You may know MamaSol as a musician, poet, artist, activist, motivational speaker, rapper, teacher, Youtube star, or mentor. She fits the description of all of those jobs to perfection. On top of all of those titles, she is an amazing human being. I've never met someone as talented as MamaSol, but who she is on the inside is what's truly special.
If you don't know the whole story about MamaSol, take a minute to catch up at her official website. You'll immediately see why she is such an inspiration to so many people.
I'll be honest and tell you that this is a difficult article to write for me. The entire time that I've known MamaSol, I have admired her. First as a musician and rapper, then as a mother, and finally as a friend. She has an energy about her that spreads to whoever she is with. If you've been lucky enough to see her perform, or speak on stage, then you know exactly what I'm talking about.
My heart broke watching the video above where she describes what is happening after her second bout with cancer. For so long I would lean on words that MamaSol has given me for strength. To see this amazing woman in need of our help is so foreign to me, but I am compelled to do whatever I can to help.
Friends have set up a GoFundMe page that you can donate to by clicking on the picture below.
I realize that everyone has their own lives and problems to deal with, but anything you could do to help is appreciated.
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