Dr. Oz Recommends: “I Think We All Need to Get the Flu Shot”
In a recent interview on New Jersey news radio station NJ 101.5, Dr. Oz answered the question we all seem to ask every year: "Should I bother getting the flu shot?"
"I think we all need to get the flu shot. I do every year."
Oz went on to say that while institutions require doctors to get their shots, seeing that they are around children and people with weakened immune systems, the same thing goes for able-bodied adults.
Dr. Oz recalled the recent newsworthy streak of deaths from this year's flu outbreak, and made the point that sometimes getting the shot doesn't just help you -- it can save others.
"The people who have passed -- and there have been deaths -- have been young children, especially under the age of five, older Americans over the age of 65-70 and then people with other pre-existing medical conditions ... on chemotherapy or have some other autoimmune problems. If you want to help [people like that] -- get the flu shot."
Watch the full interview below.
[Source: Should I Get the Flu Shot? I'm Asking Dr. Oz - NJ 101.5]