Have You Seen This Creepy Billboard In Fenton?
A bizarre billboard posted along US-23 near Center Road in Fenton has people talking.

The billboard in question features what appears to be owl eyes or ape eyes. (guessing) with eyes staring at southbound traffic. It turns out, there was also an alien featured previously on the same billboard and location.
The billboard was recently a topic of discussion on a Fenton community Facebook page and there were some pretty funny explanations and or comments as to what the billboard featuring the eyes means. Here are a few of my favorites,
The consensus seems to be that the billboard is a marketing strategy by the company that owns the billboard. To prove that people really do look at billboards (except for the woman who commented above that she drives this particular route daily and has never noticed it).
That explanation does make sense, but it is more fun and definitely more exciting to think the billboard has some kind of secret message. Is this billboard trying to tell me something? Is this billboard trying to tell you something? What does it all mean?
For now, I will take it as a sign that I need to pick up more tequila. Consider the billboard case cracked. All kidding aside, if you do have some insight on this billboard - please pass it along, or even better - put the answer up on a billboard.
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