Two students at Patrick Henry High School in California have been crowned homecoming king and queen. What makes this unusual from any other high school homecoming is that the students were both female, and a publicly lesbian couple.

On Saturday night, Rebeca Arellano, a senior at Patrick Henry, was crowned the school’s first-ever female homecoming king at their annual homecoming dance. Moments later, Arellano’s girlfriend, Haileigh Adams, was crowned queen. No other high school in the nation has ever reported having a lesbian couple voted as king and queen of homecoming.

In an interview with ABC News, Arellano and Adams, who have been dating since they were sophomores, said they were surprised at the results, but thankful for the support they have received.

“They were chanting my name and it was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had,” Arellano said. She went on to say one of her teachers told her, “Today school is a bit better because of you girls.”

But they haven’t received support from everyone. Some Patrick High students were upset by the outcome. Arellano told ABC News, “Anonymous Patrick Henry students are saying they’re embarrassed and that it’s wrong for a girl to take the spot of king.”

However, the overall response has been positive and, in reply to supportive comments on her Facebook wall, Arellano posted, “Thanks to every single one of you! You guys made this happen and we are all part of something huge. I can’t fully express how grateful I am.”

Arellano and Adams came out when they were freshman in high school and say that their parents have been supportive of them all along, both when they came out and when they started dating.

[ABC News]

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