Bar in Grand Rapids Supports Ukraine by Ditching Russian Vodka
It may not seem like much, but any sign of support is something. For a Michigan bar owner, showing support for Ukraine was to stop serving Russian vodka.
Bob's Bar, located on Michigan Street NE in Grand Rapids, posted the change to their Facebook page on Thursday. The post, a picture of vodka bottles, was accompanied by the caption, "Pre-invasion... Post-invasion... Bob's bar will no longer sell Russian vodka!"

Comments to the post were mostly supportive and complimentary noting that the owner, Bob Quay, had his heart and intentions in the right place. Of course, there were those wanting to argue logistics on exactly where some of the vodkas were made, but in general, the move was a welcomed one.
"Your heart is in the right place! Thanks for doing something Bob's Bar besides sitting there and being complacent watching it unfold", said one comment.
Those quick to challenge the move as being "uninformed" pointed out falsehoods with the move with comments such as,
"Correction, Bob's Bar removes Vodka with Russian Sounding names from bar. In reality, only removes Latvian (Stoli) and American (Smirnoff) made Vodka."
In an interview with WOOD 8, Bob's Bar owner, Bob Quay, commented on his decision to remove the vodkas saying,
“I mean, it’s just a statement. It’s not gonna cause (Russian President) Vladimir (Putin) to move out of Ukraine,bBut yeah, it’s a small statement on behalf of this local bar here. It’s what I can do.”
He also told WOOD 8 that this is the first time he’s taken products off the shelves and they likely will not come back.
Whether the products were or were not actually made in Russia can, and will be, debated. Still, you have got to agree that seeing a small bar trying to make a big point in support of something so tragic is pretty amazing any way you look at it.
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