Ban on Hand Held Phone Use While Driving Could Be a Reality in Michigan
It could be illegal to hold you phone to talk and drive at the same time.
Lawmakers are proposing to make Michigan the 15th state to ban driving and holding a cellphone. It is already illegal to text and drive in Michigan, but that law is vague and hard to enforce. The new law would ban all hand-held devices while driving. You will still be able to talk on the phone hands-free in your car.
A house committee will meet on May 30th to discuss the bill. The fine on the new law will jump from $150 to $250 for a first violation. A second will cost you $500 with the new bill. The new law also bans the use of hand-held devices while stopped at traffic lights.
I am very guilty of checking a quick email or text while stopped at a light, but I only talk on the phone when it is synced with the Bluetooth in my car. I think this law will help drivers pay attention to the road and keep everyone a little safer.