
Slutwalk vs. Free Love; Dismantling ALL Sexual Hierarchies
Dear Dr. Psarcasm,
I am thinking of attending a Slutwalk in Detroit. When that imbecile Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut, I wanted to scream. Slut shaming should be a crime! Do you think this is the best way to take ownership of our sexuality?

Ted Nugent’s Comments to NRA Upset Suburban Indonesians
Suburban Indonesians have vowed to boycott purchasing Ted Nugent’s music after video surfaced of comments he made at last weekend’s NRA convention urging support for Mitt Romney in the upcoming presidential election. Nugent suggested that if President Obama were re-elected this fall, the United States might as well be a “suburb of Indonesia,” as though that were a bad thing.

Restoring Helmet Law not Enough; Motorcycles Must Go!
I was wrong.
After receiving a fair amount of hate mail because of my position regarding repeal of Michigan's motorcycle helmet law, I have come to see the light. The problem is really not about riding motorcycles without helmets. The...

Gimme a Cheeseburger, Cigarettes & HHR, Hold the Motorcycle Helmet
Dear Dr P.
Should I throw away my motorcycle helmet now that it's legal? I want to feel the wind thru my hair when I ride!
Kelly from Burton
Dear Kelly,
Of course you should throw out your helmet. Toss it in the garbage can conveniently placed just past the take out window as you’re grabbing a double cheeseburger and fries. Or throw it i...

Friederich Nietzsche on the Hilary Rosen Kerfuffle
Knowing that he holds strong views on the issue, I reached out to Friederich Nietzsche for comment on the current kerfuffle over Hilary Rosen’s suggestion that Ann Romney had “never worked a day in her life”:
DrP: Herr Nietzsche, thanks for your time. Does Hilary Rosen ha...

Inspired by Ozzie Guillen, Flint Mayor Dayne Walling Speaks His Mind
Although known for his circumspection, Flint Mayor Dayne Walling was unusually candid in recent fake comments to yours truly:
“Ever since the State takeover here in Flint, by Snyder’s ‘emergency manager,’ I’ve been fighting this gnawing feeling, ‘Why bother?’ ‘Why keep playing ball?’
I fo...

Strippers in Neck Braces Have Rights Too
Dear Dr Psarcasm,
I’m an exotic dancer at a local club. Recently I had neck surgery and I need to be in a neck brace for the next 8 weeks. I can’t afford to go without dancing for that long but the club doesn’t want me on the floor with the neck brace on. What should I do?