Danny Gallagher is a freelance writer, reporter, humorist and all around nice guy living in Texas who is a regular contributor to TheFW and has also contributed features, essays and stories to Maxim, GameTrailers, Aol, TruTV's "Dumb As a Blog," Cracked, Mental Floss, CBS' "Mancave Daily and Spike. He also likes puppies and cookies. He can be found on the web at www.dannygallagher.net and on Twitter @thisisdannyg.
Danny Gallagher

The 12 Greatest Super Bowl Ads of All-Time
The Super Bowl might bring the promise of glory to one group of lucky fans and humiliating and bitter defeat to another, but for the rest of the universe, it's a chance to enjoy some primo, top-of-the-line adver-tainment.

10 Weird Fad Toys Every Kid Had to Have for Christmas
You can always spot a parent around the holiday season. Their hair is a frazzled mesh of cow licks and stray strands as if it’s been pulled by a crowd of frantic people. Their eyes dart around in all directions desperately seeking something that could suddenly appear at a moment’s notice. They break down and cry during commercials that advertise “the hottest toy of the holiday season.”

Discovery Channel Fires ‘Dirty Jobs’
One of the Discovery Channel's longest and dirtiest series will apply for its last job this season.

Larry Hagman, aka ‘Dallas” J.R. Ewing, Passed Away at 81
One of television's longest working actors and most memorable villains has died.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Alfred Hitchcock
Just try to imagine what the modern movie would be like if the world had never seen the work of legendary director Alfred Hitchcock. Murders would take place off-camera to spare audiences who have yet to be desensitized by the sight of blood puddles. Seemingly tranquil animals would always live together with humans in peace and harmony. Shower scenes would be tacked on and gratuitous.

On Sale at Goodwill: One Rare Salvador Dali Drawing
Every now and then, a lost work of art from one of history's greatest artists turns up in a garage sale or secondhand store. Some lucky buyer pays just mere pennies for something that's potentially worth thousands or more. This time, the store itself is the one profiting off a famous painting.

Why Can’t You Get a Coca-Cola for a Nickel? Blame the Bottle
Coca-Cola is everywhere. The drink is sold in just about every supermarket, drug store and gas station across the country and throughout the world. Not much has changed since the product's inception except, of course, the price.

Bacon Could Become Even Better, Thanks to Genetics
Bacon is one of the few foods on this Earth that is perfect and beautiful all by itself, it doesn't need seasoning or melted cheese. However, that hasn't stopped some scientists from trying to make it even tastier...

School Won’t Let Student Grow a Mustache for Charity
It's always nice to see kids doing something to raise awareness or money to help their fellow man. Apparently, one school in Bedforshire, England doesn't feel the same way.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Steven Spielberg
If someone asked you to name the first film director that jumped into your mind, Steven Spielberg would likely be the one. Movies like ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ and ‘Jaws’ have become required viewing for every self-respecting film buff.