Anyone who thought airline baggage fees couldn’t get any higher should think again. Florida-based carrier Spirit Airlines is preparing to charge passengers a whopping $100 fee for carry-on bags.

Spirit, along with Las Vegas-based Allegiant Air, will impose the new fees on Nov. 6 in an effort to persuade customer to check their bags or make arrangements for their luggage online.

Currently, the airline charges $45 for carry-ons, but those who wait to pay for bags at the boarding gate will soon have to cough up the new rate.

According to CEO Rick Seaney, the new fees are a way for the airline to reduce the number of employees needed at airports. “They want to have no kiosks at the airport,” he said. “Do all your work at home. If you hand your credit card to a human, they’re going to charge the higher fee.”

Spirit considers any bag that requires overhead space to be a carry-on. Bags that fit under the seat, however, will be free.

[Detroit Free Press]

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