1865 was the formal and legal end to slavery in the United States. That however was not the end of government sanctioned segregation in the country, nor did it end the bitterness or wickedness in the hearts of man which continued one hundred years more. It was the tenacious and relentless engagements by God-fearing brave Americans which brought the final remnants of racial discrimination to an end.

The Civil Rights Movement was birthed from the common American ideal of “all men being created equal by their creator and endowed with certain inalienable rights”. In addition the over- arching theme of the campaign was to remove the mental barrier of subservient necessity, which had been falsely imposed, blaming intellectual and human inferiority on racial and ethnic differences, specifically due to one being black. With these physical and mental deficits, the ability to live or achieve beyond a rudimentary level in society was impossible. Notwithstanding this impediment to freedom, the leaders of that time knew in their hearts and believed without question that theirs was a divinely inspired campaign and that faith in the God who delivered them from the chains of slavery would insure them an opportunity at realizing the dream so often prayed for. The song for human parity reiterated the notion that once physical and emotional chains were removed and the doors of opportunity opened, that man once enslaved, would now have the capacity to fail or succeed based on his individual competence.

In stark contrast, the leaders of today and proponents of equal rights and justice pay scant attention to the foundational premise of the original crusade. In both political and social circles the intonation has changed from the desire for equal opportunity for all, to that of demanding any and all advantages in life should come from government. This contrary attitude is reminiscent of the victim of a kidnapping suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Has an entire segment of the population been afflicted with a psychological condition or is a more sinister maneuver in effect?  The yearning to exhibit self-reliance and enjoy the benefits of personal accomplishment has somehow dissipated.

What transfers this discussion from the realm of theory and opinion to provable fact is the rhetoric and policy initiatives demanded by black voters and politicians they endorse. The outspoken advocates for “the community” will insist that all public policy include programs which will allow minorities to advance in society and “close the income, education, housing and employment gaps”, just to name a few. Need more proof? Think back to the last congressional mid-term election. We were told to elect the democrat in order to move the economy forward, give our kids a competitive educational edge, provide affordable housing for all and insure all wage earners pay a fair share of the tax bill. In addition, we were told, and the same advocates demand, that government insure the imbalance between the upper class and middle class America achieve parity.

But if last November is but a faint memory, fear not. The 2016 presidential election cycle is underway and we will without doubt enjoy the full panoply of compassionate hopefuls for office promising “all of the above” and the passionate activists demanding nothing less.

With the local, state and federal governments offering and providing food, clothing, shelter, employment, medical services, cash assistance, transportation and much more, why should anyone in their right mind want to, or even dare leave the plantation of social welfare? The least of reasons will petition one’s spirit to chase individual sovereignty and remand the shackles of bureaucratic slavery to the empty promise of socialist dictatorships; the antithesis of American Liberty.

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