
NASA Captures Massive Solar Flare on Camera [VIDEO]
NASA Captures Massive Solar Flare on Camera [VIDEO]
NASA Captures Massive Solar Flare on Camera [VIDEO]
It's an amazing sight — and something you'll never see it on this planet. A 90-minute storm on the surface of the Sun was captured on video by NASA last week. The video of the massive "solar tendril" was taken by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, a small satellite orbiting the Sun to gather data on how weather there affects the weather on Earth. ...
New Dinosaur ‘Brontomerus’ Discovered
New Dinosaur ‘Brontomerus’ Discovered
New Dinosaur ‘Brontomerus’ Discovered
A bunch of bones that were found in Utah in the 90s have turned out to be a previously unknown dinosaur species. Scientists have named this new discovery the Brontomerus, which means "thunder thighs." The defining characteristic of the Brontomerus is, in fact, its muscular thighs, which paleontologists believe were used to kick its rivals and predators. Read on to learn more about thi
Scientists Announce Plans to Clone Woolly Mammoth
Scientists Announce Plans to Clone Woolly Mammoth
Scientists Announce Plans to Clone Woolly Mammoth
It's about time, right? According London's Telegraph newspaper, woolly mammoths could be walking the Earth as soon as five years from now. Japanese scientists announced their intention this week to use cloning technology to bring back the ancient beast.