Immigration reform

Your Papers Please
Your Papers Please
Your Papers Please
Identification cards, driver’s licenses, birth certificate and passport please. These documents are required in various combinations to conduct certain business transactions, travel internationally, and ascertain the identity between persons nationwide. By a...
For The Children
For The Children
For The Children
O.K., we’re all adults here, so let us take a grown-up look at a problem, then, make rational, adult decisions and solve it. So that we don’t become distracted from the goal we should remove the temptation to persuade with emotional pleas, which can be used as a tool to manipulate and bolster one’s argument. Also taboo are t...
Phony Scandals For Dummies
Phony Scandals For Dummies
Phony Scandals For Dummies
To understand what is going on in Washington D.C., requires one to assign new meaning to well established words while willfully disbelieving what our lying eyes see. This is the hope of the Obama administration along with his supporters in congress, the media, interest groups and some in the general public...
Immigration Reform Is It Illegal Or Immoral?
Immigration Reform Is It Illegal Or Immoral?
Immigration Reform Is It Illegal Or Immoral?
Four million, eight million or eleven million, it is not the numbers that matter, but it is a matter of law. After winning an election, each house member, senator and the president raise their right hand, and in front of witnesses take an oath to uphold the constitution and follow the laws of the land. Now...
Tonight On The Tom Sumner Program
Tonight On The Tom Sumner Program
Tonight On The Tom Sumner Program
Tonight's guests on The Tom Sumner Program from 6 to 9 p.m. include Associate Professor of Constitutional Law Brendan Beery (Cooley Law) talking about Arizona's immigration reform law that went before the Supreme Court this week and animal activist Pam Sordyl talking about demonstrations against pet stores for allegedly selling dogs bred by puppy mills and legislation in Lansing aimed at preventin