2012 Presidential debate

Obama vs. Romney, Round 3: Highlights From the Final Presidential Debate
Obama vs. Romney, Round 3: Highlights From the Final Presidential Debate
Obama vs. Romney, Round 3: Highlights From the Final Presidential Debate
Tonight in Boca Raton, Florida, President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney sat down for their third and final debate before the upcoming election. Bob Schieffer of CBS News was the moderator. The debate's focus was foreign policy. Here are some noteworthy moments from the discussion: This time, like in the first debate, Obama wore a blue tie and Romney a red one...
Tonight On The Tom Sumner Program
Tonight On The Tom Sumner Program
Tonight On The Tom Sumner Program
Pre-debate banter with Flint's premiere political pundit Paul Rozycki and "Schlocktober" continues Wednesday October 3 on The Tom Sumner Program beginning at 6 p.m. Race Talk with Larry Loynes follows at 7 p.m.