The 2016 Republican National Convention will be held next week in Cleveland and I was fortunate enough to receive media credentials to cover it. I'll be broadcasting my show from there on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I'll also be posting updates, live videos and more to this website and our Facebook page here.

For those of you who don't know me, I am a planner (those who have been on my show will know that I go in there everyday with an outline of what I think the listeners would like to talk about) and planning for Cleveland has been no easy task. First of all, I'm going to be in Cleveland! Not at home or the station where I can easily go get something if I forget it. Secondly, security is going to be very rigid! I had to submit my information to the U.S. Secret Service for a background check. They even had rules for the picture you sent in with the request. Can't be a passport photo. Can't be a driver's license photo. Has to be in front of a white or grey wall. No glasses, etc!

So as I ready for my trip to cover the Republicans as they name their nominee for President, I've laid out some necessary items in order for me to do my job.

  1. Laptop - necessary for posting to our websites.
  2. iPad - needed to broadcast my show from Cleveland. Where exactly I'll be doing that from, I have no idea (most likely the media center right next to Quciken Loans Arena).
  3. Microphone - duh, it's radio people!
  4. Cell phone - no it's not for Pokemon Go. Video editing and using the RNC app for getting around the convention.
  5. Digital Recorder - for any potential interviews I get and want to record for later.
Amie Burke, Townsquare Media
Amie Burke, Townsquare Media

Right now, that's about it. It's all going in my backpack which can be easily organized and searched (I know! The Secret Service who checked me into the RNC debate in Detroit earlier this year told me he had never seen a more organized bag!).

Things I won't be taking but had them pop into my head:

  1. Collapsible baton - just in case things get out of hand.
  2. Can of Mace - again, just in case things get out of hand!
  3. Miniature baseball bat - my neighbor works for a Detroit TV station and says he keeps one of these nearby to give a little pop to people who get in his way - again, in case things get out of hand!!

As far as clothes, I'll leave figuring that out for another day and when I think the weather forecasts are going to be more accurate!


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